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Forgetting: Part 2 – K is for Kickstarter!

Updated: Aug 30, 2021

Not forgotten at all! Just had to wrestle with my angst and get over myself to tell you that this is how, fingers crossed, I'm going to get The Wonder Girls Resist paperbacks printed.

I hope.

I am so much more comfortable giving stuff away. But that probably won't get the books printed!

I need a quantity (1000) of beautiful paperbacks, matching book 1, to take to schools, libraries and events. I'll again be giving all the Southampton schools a free copy. I'll also give free copies to local libraries as well as selling through, mailing list (Readers' Gang) and bookshops. To this end, I will be launching a Kickstarter project on Saturday 4th September to raise the £3200 I need to do this.

Will you help me?

There are 3 ways you can help:

  1. Click here which will take you to a pre-launch page and click 'notify me on launch'. This will make me more visible on Kickstarter and so inspire more backers.

  2. Spread the word - share the project on social media and before it launches on Saturday 4th September and on launch day and beyond. Please tell anyone you think might be interested to follow, share and/or back it.

  3. Back the project when it launches on launch day. There's a choice of 6 different rewards which include the eBook and the Paperback with various extras.

If you haven't heard of it, Kickstarter is a crowdfunding website, that helps people like me with ideas and things they want to do or make to get the backing i.e. money, to do them. It works by asking lots of people to contribute to the project from less than the price of a coffee to however much they want, really. These lovely people are known as 'backers' who will, in return for their support, receive a reward according to the amount they pledge. N.B. I very much appreciate any support at whatever level, in whatever way, and I value every single supporter.

The project launches on Saturday 4th September 2021

and will run for 30 days.

It's important to note that the contributions are only pledges until the project raises its target. So, for example, I need to raise £3200 in pledges within the 30 days that the project is 'live'. If I raise less than that, £2200 say, all the pledges are then cancelled and nobody pays anything. So I don't receive any money either. But all won't be lost, because there'll be some more people out there interested in my books and that's always good!

Thank you very much for reading and following my project.

The cover for a Wonder Girls prequel story ‘The Naming of Florrie’ The cover image is a night sky with a full moon.
A story exclusive to The Readers’ Gang

Also, if you haven't already, sign up to my readers’ gang for this prequel short story to The Wonder Girls.

How did Little Florrie Fingers get her nickname? – she is a pick-pocketting burglar after all...

London's West End 1935: Moll, Baby and Fingers are working the crowds waiting to for the King and Queen to arrive at The London Palladium.

But Fingers goes missing. Has the toff with the cane that came prowling round the docks one night, got something to do with it?

Or has something else lured her away?

Click on the cover and it'll take you to my home page, exactly the right place to sign up.

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